Friday, November 2, 2012

Full Surgery Update

Here's a few more details: 

Overall, the surgery went well. They decided not to remove the hemangioma and just used it as a flap because it was too large/vascular. They were able to detether the spinal cord and removed most of lipoma. The neurosurgeon commented that the lipoma looked very interesting--it went through the dura and looked like it had a stem. We are still waiting on the official pathology report. Both doctors (neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon) were happy with the surgery.

The recovery went well with help from precedex. Apparently while going to sleep she was very "feisty" (no surprise there!) and kept trying to punch the circulator. So, they thought a little extra precedex when she was waking up would be good for all of us. She will not be sedated over the next couple of days as we planned because she has Factor V Leiden. They want her mostly flat for 24-48 hours. She did pee (yea!!!!) but is still vomiting :( and can't seem to keep anything down.

But overall, she seems to be doing well. They plan to pull the drain on Monday and discharge her on Wednesday, but we will be staying in Houston until Saturday so that they can keep an eye on the incision as most infections occur around days 5-7.

On a side note, Rhys had a fever today and spent most of the day at the hotel with Nana watching PBS and playing games. She seems to be feeling better tonight. 

Thanks for all the well wishes/prayers! 

1 comment:

  1. Give her a big kiss for me and lots of love and hugs to Rhys. Thanks for keeping us posted. love and prayers....
