Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday: One Day Post-Surgery

Well, today was a bit of a restless day. We are still battling pain control, so they have increased the morphine dose. Kaley had a fever this morning of 102 but as of this evening, it is going down. She was able to drink (and more importantly, keep down) some apple juice and eat a few cheese puffs. They're still doing lab work every 12 hours, but that all looks okay so far. The drain has only minimal drainage thus far, which is a good sign. Kaley is definitely not a fan of her IV and almost successfully removed it herself once (recall: feisty). 

Big sister Rhys still has a fever today but is feeling better and colored a couple of pictures to decorate Kaley's crib with, which according to Kaley, was the highlight of her day :). Hopefully Rhys will be better soon so she can go visit Kaley as she's pretty sure Kaley really misses her.  

They're hoping that tomorrow the pain will be a little bit better so that Kaley can get up and move around a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristin! Found your link on facebook. Praying for your little one and your entire family! Hope the healing continues and there are no complications!! Hugs to you guys.
